onsdag 17 juni 2009

En Liten Dikt.

Do you remember how I used to laugh?
How I used to smile?
Do you remember that spark in my eyes?
Or how I always seemed to make everything right...?

I don't remember, it seems so long ago.
Maybe it was a dream about a happy show.
Something happy, that I wished was my own.

Back then, birds sang in my head.
Making me sing happily, with them.
Now all I hear is screams or nothing at all.
Making me wonder; Is it really worth it all?

Taking a deep breath that might be my last.
Trying to fight back, those urges to make it pass.
It would be so easy. Just to end it all.

I'm dead on the inside. I don't know how to breath.
All I ever wanted was someone to see.
But now that you do, see a small part of what's real.
I wish you where blind and believed that happy tune.

I feel so alone. I cry all the time, when no one see.
Wishing for death instead of another deep breath.
Is this life ? How things are suppose to be?
How the hell can I be happy when no one is holding me?

How can you tell me not to let go?
When you don't know how painful it is to keep up with this show?
The show where I'm fighting and am stronger then you think.


2 kommentarer:

victoria sa...

du är jätte söt:) cool blogg dessutom*! allt bra me dig?

victoria sa...

jo ja är också väldigtväldigt trött! jobabt:( usch!:D