Och ni som undrar, suckar eller tycker att det är klart man inte vet när jag aldrig säger något. Det var ingen pik mot er. Jag vill inte ha er i mitt huvud, ni har inget där att göra. Ni är inte välkommna!
Och ni som tänker att ni tror ni vet vad som pågår inom mig. Ni vet inte, ni tror kanske det men tro mig när jag säger; Ni har inte en blekaste aning. Av en anledning, det är inte er ensak!
Så, nu har jag skrivit av mig lite. Tillbaka till skådespelar vardagen där man är hyper & glad! :D
I should be in bed but I'm not tired. My bedroom is freezing cold and I will just have nightmares anyway, wake up in panic and then stare up into the roof not being able to sleep. So I'm going to watch more Angel, maybe some Oz as well. I have therapy tomorrow. That's good. My psychologist understands me, she knows everything and is the only one who does. It feels nice knowing that one person does in this world. And if you're wondering. Yes, my day is still a shitty one.
And for you who are wondering why, sighs or think it's obvious that you don't know when I never tell anyone. It wasn't meant from me to you as bitchy or feeling misunderstood. I don't want you in my head, it's not anyone's business but mine. You are not welcome!
And for you who thinks you know what's going on inside of me. You don't, you might think you know but believe me when I say that you don't have a clue! For one reason, not your business.
There. End of rant. Back to acting hyper and happy! :D
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