Jisses, den är så jäkla underbar så jag tror jag ska dö lite av all lycka som fortfarande rusar igenom mitt system! Jag är glad över att jag tog det kloka beslutet att se detta som en bonus film när man fick det bekräftat att en PotC4 skulle komma. Annars hade jag nog inte älskat den lika mycket.
Jag ska inte säga för mycket om den då jag vet att många av mina läsare ej har sett den än. Och jag är snäll som vanligt och håller hårt på spoilers ;) Sjöjungfru scenen var helt underbar magisk! Och Blackbeard rockar hårt! Kunde ha varit mer humor i den men å andra sidan är filmen mörkare än de andra.
Omg, it's so damn wonderful I think I'm going to die a while from all the happiness rushing through my system!! I'm happy that I took the wise decision to see this as a bonus movie when it was confirmed a 4th was coming. Otherwise I hadn't loved it as much as I do.
I'm not going to say to much about it since I know many of my readers haven't watched it yet. And as always I'm nice and am holding back on spoilers ;) The mermaid scene was magical! Blackbeard fucking rocks! Could have been more humour in it but then again it's darker than the other movies so yeah.
1 kommentar:
hahaha jag kollade påä wikipedia nu, och kolla här:
"Fifth and possibly sixth film
The actors playing in the fourth film were told by Disney not to occupy their time in the near future, as the studio intends to shoot a fifth and sixth film back-to-back.[1] On January 14, 2011, it was confirmed that Terry Rossio will write the screenplay for the fifth installment, without his co-writer Ted Elliott.[26] Johnny Depp said that he would be happy to return as Captain Jack Sparrow saying "As long as we can put all the puzzle pieces together, I would most definitely consider it". Jerry Bruckheimer said that the fifth film would be a standalone film. This would help them a lot as there would be more revenue for them. According to Terry Rossio the script for the fifth film is finished and he has handed the script to Disney executives. [27] Speaking at the fourth film's press launch in Cannes, Depp said he would play the role for as long as it is popular with the public.[28]"
höll fan på att smälla av XDDDD
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